Eulogy 1 Eulogy 2 Eulogy 3 Service Article Unveiling

Unveiling Ceremony, 9th September 2007.
Delivered by Raymond Murray Jr.

On December 22, 2006, our brother, husband, son, cousin, nephew, good buddy, best friend left us.

However, we soon realized that although your body is now here to rest, your spirit lives, breathes and grows stronger with us every day.

And we know - it will be there on tough days and shine the light

It will be there at special occasions when we show you our strength to reach new heights

It will be there when we are trembling at job interviews and when we do not know which path to choose

It will be there never passing judgment and giving us courage when we try something new

It will be there loudly shouting and screaming each time we break down another one of life's barriers

And it will be there as a protector when the demons in our head could not be scarier

It will be there hugging and loving us when we are blue

And it will be there to celebrate new life and all the great things we pursue

And this is what helps us be strong, it is what pats us on the back and tells us to keep on

Today, we praise you among our ancestors and thank you for each day,

Thank you for your smile

Thank you for your funny walk

And thank you for always listening when others would talk

Thank you for making us men when we did not want to try any longer

Thank you for keeping us a family when our fears made us falter

Thank you for all the warm hugs you gave us, thank you for your presence which made us,

All better people

Thank you for always being there whenever we needed you

Thank you for standing up to the fight, thank you for showing us how to really live life

We could thank you for so many things and all the great things you did but we thank you most of all Will, for just being Willem

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