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No matter what someone else thinks do what you think is right most of the time it will turn out to be the correct path to choose. People will always laugh and talk behind your back for things you do in your own way, but ignore the armchair quarterbacks they aren't even watching the same game. Do what you like not what you're told to like in the end you'll be happy, guaranteed.

When you go to someone for advice find someone who listens a lot and doesn't offer any ideas, you already know the answer to your problems you just need to say it out loud to realize this. I've always got the best advice from my dog. Get a pet one that will be there when you need a fuzzy thing to hug, stuffed toys just aren't the same. Looking at points made earlier when someone comes to you for advice sit and listen and use the phrase "what do you think after all it's your life" often and repeatedly.

The best friends in your life don't judge you they just enjoy being along with you for your escapades, and vice versa. On the subjects of friends, never trust a friend that laughs at all your jokes or thinks everything you do, say and or believe is right. In a bind always stand by your friends they are worth it.

Find yourself a best enemy, no life is complete without an archrival whose presence you'd miss. If you don't know what a best enemy is you don't have one go out and find you one.

Don't be afraid to change your mind. Sometimes we must all swallow our pride and change our ways contrary to our professions of the past.

Talking of the past, learn what the past is, it's over, the future is the only thing you have control of. Don't try to relive the past use you're experiences to form guidelines and live the future with these. By the way these guidelines aren't written in stone they constantly change and go with it.

There is nothing comparable to falling in love or out of it, broken hearts heal, go on and find love again. Even in the case of a rekindled love, find a new love, don't try to recreate an old one, it didn't work the first time.

Learn to forgive and forget, you'll find that people change and being wrong about a person you think has changed is worth not assuming a person can't change. Don't hold grudges, more wars have been fought be people who can't give up on the want for revenge than for any other reason.

When you're really mad take a deep breath before speaking it will save you having to dine on your shoe or on crow.

Don't ever assume you can't achieve a dream it isn't whether you achieve your goal it's the attempt that counts.

Say what you mean, people will often dislike it but they will respect you.

Don't ever start something that isn't worth while, and never avoid a challenge, you learn more from bruises than from victory laps.

Listen to music the kind doesn't matter.

For all you guys Satchmo knows all the answers to women, how he got this information I don't know but he's shared it with us.

Never play mind games, they might be fun but nothing good ever comes of them.

It isn't how much power you have it's how happy you are.

Take U2's advice learn how to talk without speaking, cry without weeping and especially scream without raising your voice. Watch people for silent screams these usually occur when they need the most help.

Assist at least one old lady across the road, it's worth the experience.

Have pride in something other than yourself once in a while, just a suggestion, your country is a good choice. Stand tall, don't talk, take off your hat and learn the words to your national anthem, you may not believe in it but someone does.

Have respect for things and people that you believe deserve it, they probably do.

Any and all feelings are good at right times don't be afraid to experience them.

Be afraid of something, it keeps you humble.

SMILE, it helps, you and others.


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